Aquaskipper upside down

Latest Trend on water!
Human Powered Hydrofoil: AquaSkipper
Now you can fly above the water on the AquaSkipper! A hopping motion propels you forward while the hydrofoil gives you lift.
You will continue to move at speeds of up to 17 miles per hour above the water, where there is little drag. With the AquaSkipper, you can ride on waves, try new tricks, and race your friends. Any way you use it, the AquaSkipper is fun and a great way to exercise.
- Weight: 24 pounds
- Wingspan: 7 feet
- Length: 6 feet
- Material: aircraft aluminum
- Lightweight
- Fast, up to 17mph
- Easy to learn
- Easy disassembly for transport
- Lots of fun!